By Rev. Dean  Beaty  6/26/05


Just as there’s only one, at the right hand of God’s throne,

So salvation is only wrought, by Jesus Christ alone.

No part in this had I.  Not by works that I have done.

Jesus Christ has paid it all and my victory He has won.


“There’s a way that seemeth right… but the end thereof is death.”

For if Christ is not the way, there’s no other way that’s left.

Jesus said, “I am the way… no man cometh but by me.”

So we come through Christ alone, if the Father we would see.


So I lift my voice in praise and I thank my God above,

That He made for me a way, sending Christ His gift of love.

Help me see the shame He bore, as He hung upon the cross.

May I learn to love Him more, counting all this world as loss.