II Corinthians 5:8 

By Rev. Dean Beaty    4/29/08


If the thought of dying is a fear you face,

The Bible has the answer we can all embrace.

Here’s the Christian’s future and his great reward.

“Absent from the body…present with the Lord.”


Paul faced many trials, death was truly one,

He knew God would sustain him till his work was done.

There were many dangers.  His ship was torn in two.

But he was confident that God would see him through.


When bitten by a viper, as others watched in horror.

They expected him to die, for death was at the door.

He shook the viper off into the fiery flame.*

Paul was left alive to tell of Jesus’ name.


To God our life has purpose, so till your work is through.

Be busy in His service, don’t simply fill a pew.

If it will honor God your life can be restored.

Or, “Absent from the body you’ll be present with the Lord.”


*Acts 28:3-6