By  Rev. Dean Beaty   4/18/08


How do we deal with the talents God’s given?

First and foremost that it blesses Heaven.

Not wasted or squandered, not used just for fun.

But given so God will say “Well done, my son”


Used in a way that will benefit God’s cause,

But never for self or to gain men’s applause.

There’s a fine line of knowing that you have done well,

To letting your ego and pride start to swell.


There’s coming a day when our works face the test,

To see if they were good, better or best.

Wood, hay and stubble will not gain God’s praise,

But gold, silver, precious stones last through the blaze.


Seek thus to live so that your works will last,

Till at His feet our crowns will be cast.

Help me, dear Lord, to give only to Thee,

That Thy name be praised for eternity.