The Necessity of God's Word
Romans 10:14
By Rev. Dean Beaty 5/23/08
The scriptures tell us plainly, that the lost are blind in sin.
Groping on their darkened path they cannot enter in.
God has given us the job to lead them to the light.
There isn’t any other way their hearts can be made right.
No one ever came to Christ just looking in the sky.
Someone had to give God’s Word, as they passed them by.
It may have been the spoken word or written in a book.
God’s Word’s the light that shows the way, this do not overlook.
Men are always used of God to lead the lost to Him.
It’s our responsibility if they sink or swim.
“How shall they believe on Him of whom the have not heard.”
We are thus accountable to give to them God’s Word.