By Rev. Dean
Beaty 3/3/08
The Word of God
is true. It’s full of good advice.
What Jesus said
‘bout money, on this we should think twice.
It has a vital
purpose. But keep it in its place.
Wealth can be a
part of life. But make it not the chase.
If money is the
goal, held tightly in our grasp.
It will turn and
bite you, just like a cornered asp.
Keeping one’s
lute safe, can be a daunting task.
The next guy at your door may also wear a mask.
Where one keeps
his treasure, there is his heart also.
If heavens not
its home, then it is lost you know.
And then there is
tomorrow, we know not what’s ahead.
One day we are
healthy. The next day we are dead.
So choose its
place with wisdom, somewhere beyond your foes.
What lays beyond
tomorrow, for sure nobody knows.
Hear God’s words
with wisdom. Two masters you can’t serve.
Use it for the
Savior. Who else could more deserve?