By  Dean Beaty  12/24/06
Ahead of us all is an open door.
We have not passed this way before.
Upon this door is “TWO THOUSAND SEVEN”.
And beyond this door, for some will be heaven.
But there is this hope, it may be for all,
To hear the trumpet of Gabriel’s call.
For Christ has promised to make all things new.
But a different call may take just a few.
Though we do not know just what lies in store,
Behind two-thousand-seven’s open door.
But this we can know, we’re held in His hand
And what lies ahead, the Savior has planned.
Though some things that come may cause us heartaches,
Of this we are sure; God makes no mistakes.
Trust in His wisdom, His love and His care.
Wherever He leads, He’ll go with us there.
So enter in peace and walk in His light
Have faith in our God of wisdom and might.
His peace and His comfort will be your delight.
So trust His wisdom to do all things right.