By  Rev. Dean Beaty   4/14/08


If the time for your departure was suddenly at hand.

And the choice was given to you just where you would land.

Where would you fit in better?  Where would you fit in best?

With those who serve the Savior or with sinners is your quest?


When it comes to worship or singing songs of praise,

Do you join in eagerly and glory in those days?

Would God be so unloving and go against your will?

To join the saints in worship.  Would this be a thrill?


And for years that have no number to praise and bless His name,

This would be your purpose.  This would be your aim.

How does heaven suit you when now you have the chance,

To practice for eternity, your worship in advance?


If the life you’re living doesn’t take God into view,

Why think of living with Him?  You better think it through.

This life is preparation for entering heavens’ door.

What has been your interest?  What have you prepared for?