By Rev. Dean
Beaty 10/23/05
Take my yoke upon
you and thereby learn of me.
You cannot wander
far from God when in that double-tree.
There is no
better choice to make than let Him be your guide.
You’re always in
His perfect will when He is by your side.
When yoked up
with the Savior, He’s with you through each test.
He knows when you
are weary and knows when you need rest.
There’s peace and
satisfaction when yoked up with the Lord.
We walk in sweet
communion with God in one accord.
All mankind is in
a yoke, though they may think they’re free.
And the yoke you
choose today will last eternally.
One will lead to
heaven’s shore, there with the Savior dwell.
One will drag the
sinful soul into the pit of hell.
So choose the
yoke that you will wear and choose that yoke with care.
When yoked up
with the Savior, your burden He will bare.
“Take my
yoke upon you.” Oh, heed His
call today.
When walking
close to Jesus, there is no better way.