Matthew 7:9-11

By Rev. Dean Beaty    5/02/08


“If your son asks for bread, will you give to him a stone?”

Bread is not so hard to give when the children are your own.

Now change that just a bit.  Make the Father also God.

If God is not your Father would the asking then seem odd?


Relationship is all when it comes to a request.

A bird will feed its own when they’re within the nest.

So, who is God to you?  Is He your Father and a friend?

If He is, ask in faith.  On God’s love you can depend.


God is Father to each one, who by faith has asked Christ in,

That His blood might wash clean every wretched stain of sin.

By His death we are made one.  Abba Father is our cry.

Christ sits on the Throne of Grace and we’re beckoned to draw nigh.


Come repentant sinner come.  Find in Christ you’re welcome there.

There is nothing that’s too small to bring to God in prayer.

There is nothing that’s too large. He created heaven and earth.

Remember, He’s the one who you trusted for new birth.