By   Dean  Beaty  6/17/04


One thing I ask Lord, I pray this for Kurt.

Keep both his hand safe.  Don’t let them get hurt.

You know how careless he sometimes can be.

Sanders and forklifts, he sure does scare me.


If red hair is lucky, then rub him real good.

So he will be careful to do as he should.

One arm pianists aren’t in great demand.

You can’t play both ends with only one hand.


Such talents and gifts are really quite rare.

They’re almost enough to o’er look his red hair.

But red hair is better than no hair at all.

At least he’s not shinny, like a pool cue ball.


But back to his gifts, before I forget.

I thank lady Pinkston, that back there they met.

Though courtship was rough, so some folk might say.

They finally made it to their wedding day.


I’m glad that they did, cause now, love times three.

Gave sweetest grand kids for mommy and me.

So watch o’er those hands, that they may still bring,

Great music for God, so we can all sing.