By Dad 11/05/02
A wife and mother named Michelle,
And all her children think she’s swell.
To please the Lord is her first quest,
And for this choice I know she’s blest.
I’m thankful that she serves the Lord,
For this will bring her great reward.
Great joy it brings to parent’s heart,
To know, from God she’ll not depart.
Now her own brood fills the nest,
I know that she will do her best.
Then with her children by her side,
She’ll look to God to lead and guide.
I take no credit for her life.
It’s all because of my sweet wife.
For by example she did lead.
T’was there for all to see and read.
If half as faithful, you attain,
Then not one deed will be in vain.
Your family will have peace and rest,
And they will rise and call you blest.
(the end)