By Rev. Dean Beaty   2/28/08
What is your standing before the great king?
What is your hope and to what do you cling?
Sinners and saints will be gathered someday.
What will we hear and what will we say?
Saints are just sinners but saved by God’s grace.
They are no better than the rest of the race.
The only difference that I can think of,
My sins are forgiven by the gift of God’s love.
Some folks believe that their good outweigh
The sinful deeds, for which they must pay.
I would not want to be in their shoes.
Not when it comes to collecting their dues.
Is that your hope?  I beg you think twice.
My debt was paid by a supreme sacrifice.
Jesus who died for me there on the cross,
Paid all the debt of my sin and my loss.